It's fair to say that I'm properly obsessed with meditation....

Because it's the fastest, & easiest (& free-est) way to heal yourself, feel peaceful, and take leaps and bounds towards your goals.


I’m passionate about making my meditation audios freely available, allowing people around the world to practice meditation with ease, and take their wellbeing into their own hands.

Listen to over 120 practices for free

Simply put, meditation healed me

In every way imaginable.

When I was a teenager I developed a severe anxiety disorder and suffered from panic attacks, OCD, and unhelpful patterns of thinking. I was entirely alone, without support, and had no idea how to fix it or what action to take.

I had never known anyone with anxiety, or had heard of anyone recovering from it… so I went on anti-depressants at age 16 upon the advice of my doctor. My anxiety got worse.

I went to workshops, seminars, and support groups to try and understand this beast that I had living inside of me. I even chased down a highly regarded anxiety coach who was not taking on any new clients, and begged her to help me. Together we filled up a pile of notebooks analysing my thoughts and beliefs. My anxiety got worse.

I then spent all the money that I had on sessions with psychiatrists and psychologists who lectured me, laughed at me, and who suggested that I blame my upbringing for my hindrances.
My anxiety got worse.

Not only was I not getting better, my anxiety was spiralling out of control. Anxiety ruled my life.

Then, one day I dragged my butt to a meditation class and anxiously cried and trembled through it.

Then, that night I slept. The next week I went back again and I started to improve dramatically. Day by day as I practiced meditation, life got easier. Meditation built the foundations of my healing journey. Anxiety finally left my life.

Since then I’ve discovered Mindfulness, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Self-Compassion, Inner-Child Healing, Forgiveness Work, Spiritual Therapy, Shadow Work, Voice Dialogue Technique, Emotional Freedom Techniques / Tapping, Gratitude, Mental Rehearsal, Affirmations, Self-Love and Positive Psychology. I’ve worked all of these modalities into the meditations that I have created.

I started recording ACT / mindfulness meditation tracks for my clients to practice in between sessions. I uploaded a few tracks to YouTube in 2010, so that I could direct my clients to the YouTube link rather than transferring large files between us. To my surprise, my meditations were popular!

Today, my meditation tracks have been listened to for
more than 40 million minutes, and I have over 120 tracks
available for free across the web.